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The Portugal Golden Visa is a Residency-by-Investment programme aimed at attracting foreign investment into the country's economy. It offers residency status to non-EU expatriates and investors who maintain assets in Portugal for a specified period. The Investment Funds option provides a quick and streamlined investment process, making it an efficient and appealing choice for investors.

Holding a Portuguese residency offers numerous benefits, allowing expats and investors to enjoy a high quality of life in one of the safest and sunniest countries in the world. Top financial advisors recommend investing in Portugal due to its promising economy, which has shown growth surpassing the European Union's average in 2024.

By choosing the Investment Funds Golden Visa option, you can invest directly in several profitable Portuguese companies, startups, and multiple industries such as hospitality and tech. This option not only provides a pathway to residency but also ensures a diversified investment portfolio in one of Europe's most dynamic economies.

Intro to the
Portugal Golden Visa Investment Funds

Additionally, residency provides visa-free travel to 29 European countries within the Schengen Area, including:

What is a
Portugal Golden Visa
Investment Fund?

While the Portuguese Golden Visa was established in 2012, the Investment Fund option was only introduced in 2017 through an amendment to Law 23/2007 of July 4th. Specifically, Law 102/2017 of August 28th invested funds in a legal and eligible way to secure residency in Portugal.

The amendment states "Investment of €350,000* intended for the acquisition of units in investment funds or venture capital funds aimed at capitalizing companies, which are set up under Portuguese law, and whose maturity at the time of the investment is at least 5 years and at least 60% of the value of the investments is made in commercial companies based in Portugal." *Note: This amount was updated to €500,000 in January 2022 and remains the same to this day.

Investment Funds in Portugal work like anywhere else in the world, giving investors a chance to choose their preferred fund. The funds are usually managed by a financial services and management company, which collects capital from investors and strategically redirects it into select assets to increase capital. In Portugal, the operation is regulated under the Bank of Portugal. Upon receiving a profit, after the agreed period, the company will deduct its commission and redistribute the dividends to the shareholders.

Is the Portugal
Golden Visa Programme Over?

Understanding the facts behind this myth. +

In 2023, the Portugal Golden Visa underwent a significant change. The Real Estate option was discontinued and officially recorded in the Portuguese Gazette as Law 56/2023 on October 6, 2023. Article 1, paragraph I states that it "revokes residency permits through real estate investments." This decision was surprising, as the Real Estate option had brought over €6.4 billion to the Portuguese economy over the past decade. However, other investment options, like the Investment Funds, were not affected.

Currently, the Portugal Golden Visa offers the following options:

  • Investing in Funds with a minimum of €500,000.
  • The creation of 10 jobs in the country.
  • A donation of €500,000 to research activities carried out by public or private scientific and technological institutions.
  • A donation of €250,000 is to be applied to investment or support of artistic productions, maintenance, or recovery of national cultural and physical heritage, through any institution that has a public utility status.
  • A capital transfer of €500,000 intended for the creation of a commercial company based in Portugal, plus the creation of 5 permanent jobs, or for the reinforcement of the share capital of an already existing commercial company based in Portugal, plus the creation or maintenance of 5 permanent jobs for a minimum period of 3 years.

Who can invest in a
Portugal Golden Visa Fund?

Be a third-country national (not holding citizenship from an UE/EEA country);
Have a valid passport;
Have a clean criminal record;
Provide proof of the funds intended for investment and their legitimacy;
Possess health insurance;
Submit a statement declaring the intent to proceed with the Golden Visa investment for the full 5 years;
Pay the application processing fee.

If your goal is to apply for Residency by Investment in a Fund, whether it's private equity or venture capital, it's crucial to first understand the requirements of the Portugal Golden Visa, even though the criteria are not particularly demanding. The list of documents provided below is indicative and may vary based on nationality and circumstances.

In addition to these standard requirements, choosing the Investment Funds option may involve additional criteria. The fund management company may, for instance, prefer experienced investors or impose other specific prerequisites. While the programme does impose some restrictions based on nationality, the vast majority of international investors should have no issues applying for the Portugal Golden Visa.

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Portugal Golden Visa Programme

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How do I know if an
Investment Fund Qualifies for the Portugal Golden Visa

Not all investment funds qualify for the Portugal Golden Visa. Eligibility is strictly tied to criteria set by the government. Besides meeting these criteria, investing in funds carries risks. While obtaining Portuguese Residency may be the ultimate goal, there is a real potential for capital loss with this option. On the other hand, it can also lead to capital appreciation and annual yields that may surpass those of other Golden Visa options.

This investment option allows a diversified portfolio through several Funds; The Investment Funds must not be related to Real Estate in any capacity.

Highly Regulated

The Funds must be regulated by the Bank of Portugal and monitored by the Portuguese Securities Market Comission (CMVM) and the Portuguese tax authorities.

Period of Investment

The Funds must have a maturity of at least 5 years.

Portuguese Economy

The Investment Funds must be redirecting at least 60% of the capital to Portuguese companies.

Citizenship Eligibility

The applicant must hold the investment for 5 years to keep the Residency Status, at which point Permanent Residency or Citizenship is available.

What are the types of
Portugal Golden Visa Funds?

Choosing the investment funds
for your needs

Private Equity Funds

In essence, companies managing these funds prefer to invest in privately owned companies that are not publicly traded. These funds may also acquire public companies with the aim of delisting them from the stock market.

Venture Capital Funds

Venture Capital Funds, known as Fundos de Capital de Risco in Portuguese, represent another type of investment fund typically eligible for the Portuguese Golden Visa.

There are countless investment funds available in the Portuguese market. Generally, most Golden Visa-eligible investment funds focus on private equity or venture capital. Before the 2023 amendment, real estate-related investment funds were much more common. These could either be in REITs (Real Estate Investment Funds) or, in the Portuguese context, SPVs (Special Purpose Vehicles) that acquire and manages properties. However, this option is no longer possible through the Portugal Golden Visa 2024 rules.

Investment Funds can have either a single focus or multiple focuses. Some financial services or fund management companies prefer to invest in only one company, while most funds tend to focus on one industry at a time. The Portuguese Golden Visa allows investors to diversify their investments across several Funds, as long as the minimum investment of €500,000 is reached.

Investment Funds options
through our trusted partners

Portugal Homes works with the main Funds Management experts. See below a catalogue of Investment Funds options eligible for the Golden Visa, catered according to your needs:
Venture Capital
Investment Strategy: Target Sectors

This Funds option preferentially target companies in the Portuguese manufacturing sector and the circular economy, leveraging emerging trends and regulatory shifts to unlock opportunities for long-term growth and value creation

This option follows the catalogue of an independent Venture Capital Funds Management Company, regulated by the Portuguese Securities and Market Commission (CMVM).

Targeted Sectors

Venture Capital
Investment Strategy: Hospitality

This Fund intends to invest in mid-sized hospitality assets with significant value-add potential. The portfolio includes hotels, resorts, and diverse indoor and outdoor facilities tailored to cater to tourists mainly located in Lisbon and the Algarve. For Golden Visa investors, this Fund option would require a minimum of €250.000.

This option follows the catalogue of an independent Venture Capital Funds Management Company, regulated by the Portuguese Securities and Market Commission (CMVM).

Mid-Size Hospitality

Venture Capital
Investment Strategy: Target Sectors

This fund targets prime and emerging locations, focusing on hotels, apart-hotels, serviced apartments, and food and entertainment businesses. While our primary investment in Portugal is in Lisbon, we also seek opportunities in other European cities with excellent tourism potential, such as Madrid, Paris, London, Athens, and Istanbul.

This option follows the catalogue of an independent Venture Capital Funds Management Company, regulated by the Portuguese Securities and Market Commission (CMVM).

Prime Hospitality

Private Equity
Investment Strategy: Sports & Media Assets

The fund collaborates with a consortium of over 100 elite athletes to target promising opportunities within the global sports, media, and entertainment industries. It focuses on allocating 60% of its investments to premium sports assets situated in Portugal, managed by a trusted and specialised team. The remaining 40% is strategically earmarked for established international sports ventures, ensuring a diversified and robust investment approach.

This option follows the catalogue of an independent Private Equity Funds Management Company, regulated by the Portuguese Securities and Market Commission (CMVM).

Sports & Media

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Documents & Requirements


In addition to the standard Golden Visa prerequisites such as being a third-country national and having a clean criminal record, investing in Funds requires specific documentation for validation, which may be requested by the investor’s bank, the fund management company, or AIMA (Portuguese Agency for Integration, Migration and Asylum). The following examples outline some of the mandatory documents, though additional paperwork may also be necessary:

  • A statement from a Portuguese bank confirming the transfer of at least €500,000 for investment in Funds;
  • A business plan outlining the fund's projected 5-year trajectory and how at least 60% of the capital will be invested in Portugal;
  • A certificate verifying that the investor, as the primary Golden Visa applicant, has acquired €500,000 worth of units in the investment fund;
  • Additional documentation related to unit ownership, especially if the applicant is utilizing a corporate setup for their application, such as company registration documents, etc.

Funds, Fees & Costs


In addition to the minimum investment requirement of €500,000, there are several other fees to consider. These fees will primarily depend on the fund management company, but common ones include:

  • Fund Management Fees: Typically range from 1% to 2% annually, covering the costs of expert management of the fund.
  • Performance Fees: These may apply if the fund exceeds profitability targets, with the management company retaining a percentage of the profit.
  • Legal Fees: Often incurred when lawyers with power of attorney handle contract setups; some companies work exclusively with their legal teams.
  • Due Diligence Fees: Commonly involve additional paperwork and detailed examinations necessary for fund investment.

Furthermore, the investment Fund option includes government application and processing fees. These fees vary depending on the number of applicants, such as the main applicant, spouse, dependent children, etc. Additionally, there are renewal fees because the Golden Visa needs to be renewed every two years until the investor reaches the 5-year mark, after which they can apply for Permanent Residency or Citizenship. For a large family, the government fees alone for a Golden Visa application can amount to up to €30,000

Risks & Benefits

  • Reasonable Minimum Investment: €500,000 minimum investment aligned with other European Residency by Investment programmes.
  • Professional Management: Managed by experienced professionals within a regulated environment.
  • Regulation and Supervision: Supervised by entities like the Securities Market Commission (CMVM) and the Bank of Portugal.
  • Tax Oversight: Subject to audits by tax authorities.
  • Tax Efficiency: Compared to the Real Estate option, investment funds have fewer bureaucratic processes and are often exempt from municipal taxes (IMI), stamp duty, and other local levies.
  • Portfolio Diversification: Appeals to seasoned investors; Portuguese law limits asset concentration within a fund's portfolio.
  • Sole Investment Option: With the discontinuation of the Real Estate option, investment funds are the sole route for returns, but they are potentially perceived as higher risk.
  • Lack of Tangible Assets: Funds do not offer tangible assets, increasing the possibility of fund failure.
  • Control Over Capital: Investors may lack control over their capital as funds are managed externally.
  • Long-Term Commitment: Typically requires a 7 to 10-year commitment before accessing capital.
  • Associated Fees and Costs: Substantial profits are typically shared among the managing company and other fund participants.

Portugal Golden Visa Investment Funds Option:
Step-by-Step Process & Timeline

Before proceeding with the Funds option, investors must commit to a long-term investment plan, typically lasting 8 to 12 years. The experience of the fund-management company and the legal representation by a Portuguese law firm also influence the process duration.


Exit Strategy

The Exit Strategy is often a primary concern for Investment Funds and poses a significant risk. Given the longer time commitment required compared to most alternative Residency solutions, investors often lean towards more flexible options.

For Investment Funds, profitability is the primary goal rather than facilitating Residency status for Golden Visa investors. Most managers aim to maximize their performance-based bonuses by divesting the Fund at its peak appreciation. While initially beneficial, this approach can prolong the Fund's lifespan.

Nevertheless, this topic is crucial for any investor considering funds as a Golden Visa option and deserves thorough evaluation. Here are key considerations:

Mandatory Period

Investment funds generally have lifespans longer than the minimum time required to obtain Permanent Residency or Citizenship. Investors must commit to this option accordingly. The duration varies by Fund, with most lasting between 7 to 10 years, though some may extend up to 12 years.

Units Resale & Early
Capital Withdrawals

To qualify for Citizenship in Portugal, investors typically need to maintain their fund investment for a minimum of 7 years. Depending on the Fund's terms, investors are usually required to stay invested until the Fund naturally concludes. Exiting early is feasible but finding a buyer for Fund shares can be challenging.


Extension Periods can alter the initial investment timeline. Fund managers may include clauses allowing them to extend the Fund duration beyond the original term, a decision solely within their discretion.


1. How much do I need to invest in Portugal to obtain Residency?

Apart from the Portugal Golden Visa (including Investment Funds option), another standout option for Residency is the D2 Visa programme. Portugal Homes offers exclusive D2 Visa Investment Opportunities starting at €280,000.

2. What is the Portugal Golden Visa Investment Funds option?

The Portugal Golden Visa offers various pathways to obtain Residency, including subscribing to investment funds.

3. Can I obtain Portuguese Residency by investing in Funds?

Yes. Subscribing to investment funds qualifies for the Portugal Golden Visa, one of Portugal's Residency by Investment programmes.

4. What is the minimum investment required in Funds for the Portugal Golden Visa?

The minimum investment required for the Portugal Golden Visa through investment funds is €500,000. Additional fees and costs apply.

5. Do all investment funds qualify for the Portugal Golden Visa?

No. Not all investment funds qualify. They must meet specific criteria, including having a maturity period of 5 years or more and directing at least 60% of investments towards Portugal. Real Estate-focused funds do not qualify.

6. Is there an alternative to gaining Residency in Portugal?

Yes. The D2 Visa programme is the best alternative to the Portugal Golden Visa, offering Residency with fewer requirements and lower fees.

7. Is it possible to withdraw money from investment funds ahead of schedule?

Yes, it is possible to withdraw money from investment funds before the scheduled maturity date. However, this depends on the specific terms and conditions outlined in the fund's offering documents or prospectus. Some funds may allow early withdrawals under certain circumstances, such as financial hardship or specific exit provisions, while others may have restrictions or penalties for early redemption. Investors should carefully review the fund's rules regarding withdrawals before making any investment decisions.

8. What is the average investment yield on Portuguese funds?

The average investment yield on Portuguese funds can vary widely depending on factors such as the type of fund, market conditions, and the investment strategy employed by the fund manager. Generally, equity funds (including venture capital and private equity) tend to offer higher potential returns but also come with higher risks. Fixed-income funds may offer more stable returns but typically have lower yields. Investors need to conduct thorough research and consider their risk tolerance and investment objectives when evaluating potential returns from Portuguese funds.

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Portugal Golden Visa Investment Fund opportunities

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Disclaimer This page is intended solely for professional investors for informational purposes only. It does not constitute an offer to buy or sell any security or investment, nor is it an invitation to subscribe to any fund's units. It is provided purely for informational purposes and should not be construed as a prospectus or advertisement. This website is not intended for retail investors and should not be considered marketing. It is prepared for investors qualified to invest in the types of investments described herein. Explorer disclaims all liability related to the information contained in this document or arising from its use. Recipients should conduct their own assessment of the information provided. Nothing in this website is intended to provide, nor should it be relied upon as, accounting, legal, tax advice, or investment recommendations. It does not promise or represent future outcomes. There is no assurance that the objectives outlined will be achieved or that the investment will be successful. This website and any related informative material are governed by the laws of Portugal.

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