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Relocating to Portugal with Family? Discover Which Visa is the Best for You

At Vero Eos Et Accusamus Et Iusto Odio Dignissimos Ducimus Qui Blanditiis Praesentium Volumnptatum Deleniti.

Published on 25 March, 2025 • Last updated on 25 March, 2025

By Portugal Homes

Relocating to Portugal with Family? Discover Which Visa is the Best for You

Either to provide a greater quality of life to your family or to extend the amazing benefits of Portuguese residency to your loved ones, you can rest assured that a Visa by Investment is an assertive pathway. But which one should you choose? That will depend on your budget and timeline goals. In this article, we explain this in further detail so you can start your plans with the right information.

Visa by Investment: Portugal’s Options for Families

Although the Golden Visa is the most well-known residency by Investment programme in the world, it is not the only one available. Portugal, for example, offers other alternatives such as the D2 Visa. They differ in investment options, timeline and how the family inclusion works, but they are similar in one thing: both will land you a residency permit and open the path toward EU Citizenship.

Here’s a breakdown of each programme: 


Golden Visa 

D2 Visa

Preferred Investment RouteFundsBusiness Launch
Minimum Investment€500,000Varies by Chosen Package
Processing time 12-18 months6-8 months
Family InclusionImmediate to spouse, dependent children and parents Immediate to Spouse + later reunification to dependent children and parents
Visa-Free Travel in the Schengen ZoneYesYes
Right to live, work and studyYesYes
Pathway to EU Citizenship after 5 yearsYesYes

Yes, the Golden Visa allows for a far more comprehensive family inclusion from the start. However, the D2 has a quicker processing time. Which one should you choose for your family? That depends on your main goal. 

Choose the D2 Visa if You Want a More Affordable Route

The D2 Visa, also known as the Business Visa, grants residency rights to those who open a business in Portugal or branch out an existing one. That means that the minimal amount necessary to apply can be significantly lower than the Golden Visa. The thing is that the best D2 Visa packages allow only a spouse to be added in the initial application. You can then start a family unification process later on to bring children and parents from both you and your spouse, so they can all receive the same rights you have conquered. In other words, this is a great route if you are not in such a hurry, but still want to secure that, along the way, your loved ones will also be able to enjoy all the benefits of Portuguese residency and future Citizenship.


<< Portugal Homes Has the Most Affordable D2 Package in the Market. Fill in the Form to Find More About it >>


Opt for the Golden Visa if You Want the Whole Family to Join You Now 

Although the process of the Golden Visa takes a little longer, the possibility to add your spouse, children and parents to your application – as well as your spouse’s -, if they are your dependents, will actually be the fastest route if you want everybody to relocate or enjoy residency benefits all at the same time, in a more streamlined way.

To apply, you’ll need to make an investment in government-regulated funds, being able to choose among profitable Portuguese companies, startups, and multiple industries such as hospitality and tech.

Next Step: Choose the Best Property for Your Family

Whether you choose the Golden Visa or the D2 Visa will depend on how much you are willing to invest and how long you wish to wait to obtain the residency permit, not only for you but also for your family.  

Either way, if relocating to Portugal is on your plans, another important step is to start searching for a perfect place to call home. Portugal Homes can help you even before you get to the country. We can prepare a curated list of properties according to your preferences and schedule in-person or online viewings. Portugal Homes will also assist you through the whole buying journey and can even help you with setting up the utilities of your property before your arrival.

Find the your dream property in Portugal.

Still thinking about which Visa to obtain? Let our team of experts walk you through your options. Yes, Portugal Homes is a one-stop shop for property and visa investments in Portugal, and we are here to make things happen for you.  

Contact us now and let’s get you and your family to the next chapter of your life. 


Major News Alert: New Investment Opportunities in Portugal and Beyond

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