What defines a country? Borders and Portugal’s borders are the same ones since 1249, it’s been almost 800 years. Our last fight keeping our borders intact was against moors trying to invade Portugal.
If you look carefully around our country, moors footprint on our beautiful land is quite noticeable, especially in the south.
But yes, of course, if you think about the older civilisation we have to talk about Greece.
After Athens, Lisbon is the oldest city western Europe. Monarchs, empires, republics and democracies were changing borders all over Europe, while Portugal remained the same.
Portugal doesn't follow trends or rules, don’t you believe it?
It was hardly by chance that the History of Europe witnessed for the first time a peaceful coup, back in 1974 with the well known Carnation Revolution.
Made only in Portugal.
Mariana Vieira
After Sales Manager
Portugal Homes