Sandro lived and studied in the UK for 14 years, where he also worked in Customer Service for 5 years. He speaks Portuguese and English fluently, being hardworking and a true team player. At Portugal Homes, he’s a Property Advisor and helps clients find the best investment possible suited to their long term goals. He was once an expat for 14 years, and came back to Portugal recently - this has helped him find the best ways to approach clients about moving to this beautiful country and advise them better.

How does the onboarding Portugal Homes provides help you structure your work best before you have calls with clients?
We have a great system here, and Kate, our manager, gives us the right tools and the right training for us to be able to go ahead and speak with clients. Kate was a big influence in my growth, listening to how she approaches clients helped me structure my pitch and feel comfortable to deliver the right message to the clients.
How do you manage the schedule considering most of our clients are in different time zones?
First, we’ve got great tools and systems that help us keep track of each client in different countries. Personally, I divide my day between two. In the mornings, I talk with clients from Asia like Dubai, Singapore and so on, and in the afternoon with clients from other countries, like the US so we can adjust our working time with their timezone.
How does Portugal Homes motivate you to grow into a better advisor?
We have a very good team here so we bounce off each other in the office, so we get ideas from everyone. The company itself helps us a lot, we do a lot of group meetings, we go out just to get to know everyone because everyone so everyone feels comfortable. I think that’s good as it gives us motivation to work and you are happy, so that’s definitely a good influence.
What's the secret to providing unrivalled advisory to our global clientele?
Our secret is actually listening to the clients and then getting him to know what we do in our company. We are a fairly new but very unique company and we do have several departments which makes the client feel more secure. We’re not here just to sell and then go away - we are here for the clients throughout the whole process and whenever they need it.
How do you feel about the company's decision to adopt certain measures during the pandemic?
The measures the company took were great. The safety of the staff was their number one priority- The best thing that happened was knowing that, despite the pandemic, we were all working, everyone was giving their 100% and we managed to get the results healthy.
What’s the most rewarding part of your job?
Obviously getting a deal closed is great, but knowing that someone is happy and someone is purchasing a property, and coming to our country, and choosing us Portugal Homes, - and choosing me to be their advisor - is a great accomplishment for me.
As a former expat in the UK for 14 years, what do you have to say to our clients about Portugal?
Portugal is always going to be my country, I was born here. Going to the UK was a great experience for me as it is a different culture and different lifestyle but I always wanted to come back to Portugal, because the country is lovely. When we’re explaining its beauty to clients, it’s actually hard to make justice to how beautiful it is and how much potential it has.
What are the top reasons for investment clients to choose Portugal?
First one is safety, security - Portugal is one of the safest countries in the world. The second one is health as the health system is very fast and very responsive; the thirst one, I’d go for a lifestyle as the weather is great, the food is good and people are very welcoming. We have great outdoor places and beaches, so it’s a great place to relocate to.
Read More:
Portugal maintains third place among the World’s safest countries
Portugal revealed as one of the healthiest places to live in 2021
Best gardens and parks in Lisbon
Portugal was elected the best country for Americans who want to live abroad
Curiosities and facts about Sandro:
- Sandro loves kickboxing and regularly competes in kickboxing competitions in the Algarve
- He’s happy to help no matter what you ask of him
- He’s very hardworking and methodical in his approach to work
About Employee Talks
Employee Talks is a part of Portugal Homes - Harland & Poston Group’s marketing strategy. Our employees and their backgrounds are the company’s greatest asset, hence our belief in sharing the employees’ thoughts on working at this company shows our ability to differentiate, cultivate and promote our identity to not only candidates interested in working here, but also clients who are purchasing with us. We want our viewers to understand why we stand out from the crowd and think it’s a great opportunity for you to get to know us better.