In the past year and a half, a lot of amazing people joined Portugal Homes - Harland & Poston Group. To strengthen the relations with our teams, David and Gary connected everyone to talk "nothing about work"!
It is with great honour that Portugal Homes has made its way to success. Growing at a fast pace, the company has been accomplishing incredible goals. Thanks to our Co-founders’ vision, Portugal Homes has established itself at the forefront of Portugal’s investment and golden visa markets.
David Poston & Gary Harland are known for pushing the business further over the years. The company started out in the real estate business but has expanded to other sectors, becoming a brand portfolio spread throughout many industries. Today, we are proud to be part of the Harland & Poston Group, which shelters strong and self-made brands in the areas of real estate, investments, property management and travel.
Knowing that people are the company’s greatest asset, David and Gary have always attempted to create great synergies across the teams by promoting a positive and strong company culture. Ever since Portugal Homes was created, our managing partners have always established clear values and goals and ensured their employees felt valued, respected, and appreciated. Portugal Homes is a company that adds value to its employees, trying to promote a way of working that is intrinsically rewarding.
In order to keep up with our business growth, a lot of amazing people have joined the team in the past year and a half. Portugal Homes has now a staff of over 40 hardworking people, who put in a lot of dedication into their work every day to make sure our business keeps thriving.
It is unquestionable that the pandemic has exposed us to new challenges, but we are extremely proud to say that Portugal Homes has risen and has been rising stronger despite the pandemic. 2020 was a year of massive growth for us, just as this year has been. We have already hit 93 sales, 200 after-sales clients from 38 different nationalities and have opened a new international office in Dubai, adding up a 4th to our network.
Team bonding weekend to reward the team and celebrate the company’s achievements
Not having had the opportunity to meet, talk and share ideas face-to-face during the lockdown period, David and Gary decided to set up an initiative with all the staff during the month of March. It consisted of several challenges assigned to different teams. Not only could we foster the company's brand presence on our social media channels, but we also aimed at strengthening relationships within the teams.
The initiative ended up in a fantastic weekend at the Douro Valley! With lots of wine, food, laughter, and candid moments, this treat surely recharged our batteries to keep moving forward with motivation and positivity. Complying with all DGS (Directorate-General for Health) health measures, Portugal Homes guaranteed total commitment to ensuring everyone’s safety.
Click below to see what our employees are saying about us!

Our Co-founders had the chance to show their appreciation for the hard work and effort everyone puts into the business, rewarding us with an incredible team bonding weekend, where everyone got together to talk about "everything but work"!
This was a year of significant challenges but also great wins, enabling the company’s departments to emerge stronger from the pandemic. We will continue to work at what we do best and keep providing unrivalled services to our clients at all times.
“Getting to sit back and take a look at what we’ve built and continue to build reminds me why we keep pushing each day. We’re nothing but grateful”, David and Gary said.
Tough times don't last, tough teams do. And these pretty smiles say it all!
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Read also:
- Our last team bonding trip in the Algarve
- How does Portugal Homes reach global clientele?
- Team dynamics, the key to Portugal Homes success
- Learn more about our employees' experience working at Portugal Homes